Ok, some of you may be wondering why it's such a big deal to get this light apart, others know how bad it really can be. The V10R has so much loctite in the threads that people have bent their lights trying to get it open. I did not want to be one of those people, so I didn't try to open it. Well, Veleno Designs released a new cooling fin with 12 tritium tubes in it (Which is really cool), and as it replaces the regular cooling fin you have to take the light apart. Methods for taking the light apart vary from making Delrin blocks to fit the light, rubber straps, dipping it in boiling water, wood, aluminum, all kinds of crazy stuff. I actually was boiling the water when my idea came to me. What is it you say? Well, I am paranoid about breaking my light, and water in the electronics is a good way to do it, I didn't want to accidently open the battery tube and have boiling water flood the electronics so I taped the tube to the head of the light with electrical tape. Then I thought "Hey, why can't I just tape the heatsink to the bezel and twist it off? It would give me better grip!" I was actually going to do that and still dip it but use the tape when it really hit me, just twist it and see! So...
I twisted...